Who we are

We work with children and young people aged up to 19 years old who have difficulties ranging from speech and language problems and difficulty with concentration and attention, to disabilities and health conditions that slow physical development. Our patients have long-term challenges and move in and out of our service at different points in their lives as their needs change. Our aim is to empower parents, relatives and carers to support their child’s health needs and become independent of our service.

Our team

Our team is made up children’s speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, therapy support practitioners and administrators.

We recognise the importance of working with those who spend the most time with our patients. We work closely with our patients and their family, teachers, education support services, psychologists, health visitors and GPs.

Speech and language therapy

Our speech and language therapists assess children and young people for problems with speech, understanding conversation or forming sentences, social interaction or eating and drinking difficulties. We develop care plans and work closely with occupational therapists and physiotherapists when children have difficulties beyond communication or feeding.

Occupational therapy

Our occupational therapists work with children and young people who have difficulties in daily activities at home, in their community or at school. Our occupational therapists assess children’s skills in play, engaging at school and self-care. We provide advice and therapy to support our patients develop their independence through fun and positive activities.


Our physiotherapists help to develop or restore movement and function to as near normal as possible when a child or young person is affected by injury, illness, developmental delay or other disability. They assess and treat children and young people helping them achieve mobility and function. Treatment might include specific exercises, positions or hands on therapy. Physiotherapists sometimes use specialist equipment and mobility aids.